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Sichuan Museum

Sichuan museum visit in summer holiday2023

Sichuan Museum

四川是中国第五大省份,而曾经的古蜀文明也是中国三大古文明之一。今年八月,我参观了位于成都的四川博物馆。 四川博物馆有十个常设展厅跟四个临时展厅。 进入博物馆内,可以在领取一个自动讲解器,虽然展厅内也有文字描述,但自动讲解器对几乎每一个重要展品都有详细的解说

Sichuan is the fifth largest province in China, and the ancient Shu civilization was one of the three major ancient civilizations in China. In August of this year, I visited the Sichuan Museum located in Chengdu.
Sichuan Museum has ten permanent exhibition halls and four temporary exhibition halls. Upon entering the museum, you can obtain an automatic audio guide. Although there are also written descriptions in the exhibition halls, the audio guide provides detailed explanations for almost every important exhibits.

The first exhibition hall I visited was about prehistoric Sichuan. Like other prehistoric civilizations, the museum displayed tools and various human activity relics from the Stone Age. However, a significant portion of this exhibition hall showcased artifacts from the ancient Shu culture. The most famous among them were the bronze masks from the Sanxingdui site. The knowledge about the Sanxingdui civilization is still limited, and the peculiar appearance of the masks and other unearthed artifacts adds an air of mystery to this unknown culture. If you are specifically interested in the Sanxingdui culture, the Sichuan Museum may not be the best choice as there are only a few Sanxingdui artifacts on display.

Next, I entered the exhibition hall about ancient history in Sichuan. This hall started from the pre-Qin period and introduced the history of the Ba-Shu region from ancient times to the Tang and Five Dynasties. The most captivating exhibit in this hall was the storytelling terracotta figurines from the Eastern Han period, also known as the "Number-One Terracotta Figurines of the Han Dynasty." These figurines were lifelike, depicting the appearance and image of people from that time based on historical records, allowing visitors to witness scenes of ancient life as if they had traveled through time.


Afterward, I visited the Ethnic Relics Museum, which was one of my favorite exhibition halls. Sichuan is home to a rich and diverse ethnic culture, including the Yi, Tibetan, Qiang, Miao, and Hui ethnic groups, among others. In this exhibition hall, I appreciated the unique traditional cultures and artistic expressions of each ethnic group. Their handicrafts, ornaments, and everyday objects showcased exquisite craftsmanship and cultural spirit, which was truly awe-inspiring.


Additionally, Sichuan Museum showcased the distinctive humanistic charm and local characteristics of the Sichuan-Chongqing region. One of the highlights was the famous Sichuan embroidery, which is one of the four famous embroideries in China. Sichuan embroidery is renowned for its exquisite embroidery techniques and vibrant patterns, representing the artistic tradition of Sichuan. Additionally, Sichuan shadow puppetry is an important traditional art form that creates exaggerated and amusing images through carved leather and projected light, displaying a rich sense of life and local characteristics.


There is a special temporary exhibition area in Sichuan Museum called "Blooming Lotus - Lotus Imagery in Chinese Culture." The exhibition hall is divided into three sections. For detailed content, you can refer to my other article (direct link to the WeChat public account: Chinese Aesthetics -

citation: “通过牛皮的雕刻和灯光的照射,创造出夸张有趣的影像,展现了浓厚的生活情趣和地方特色。”--Sichuan Museum.

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